Monday, December 27, 2010

Ovulation And Urinating 3-4 Times A Day


The Legend of the Christmas rose

The young daughter of a pastor was busy to look after their father's flock in a pasture near Bethlehem, when he saw the other pastors who walked rapidly towards the city. He walked over and asked them where they went.
The shepherds said that that night was born the baby Jesus and that they were going to pay him homage, bringing him gifts.
The child would have liked to go with the shepherds to see the Baby Jesus, but he had nothing to bring as a gift. The shepherds went off and she was alone and sad, so sad that fell to his knees crying.
Her tears fell in the snow and the little girl did not know that an angel had witnessed his despair. When he lowered his eyes he saw that her tears had become of the beautiful pale pink roses. Felix, got up, gathered them and went straight for the city.
Give the roses to Mary as a gift for his newborn son.
Since then, every year in December this type of rose blossoms to remind the world of a simple gift made with love by the young daughter of a pastor.

Glitter Graphics

Rose Glitter


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