Friday, August 27, 2010

How Much Does Alprazolam Cost

passes for magazines

I resume indicating a study of Oliver Wyman made to understand what opportunities does the digital publishers, advertisers and consumers.
A summary of results is available in an article Christian Rocca Il Sole 24 Ore.

The future envisaged by the research that refers to the U.S. market, is not negative. I Readers are willing to pay subscriptions to journals and magazines to read on ereader provided that the latter are truly interactive.
I readers surveyed would pay for the paper version for digital, as long as they complement each other.
Compared to the world of single card sales could increase by 2014, up to 50% for those who already have a subscription paper and up to 200% for those who have no subscription.
Publishers must be willing to experiment, however, to innovate and to form an alliance.


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