Sunday, August 29, 2010

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The network changes the sacred rite of the peer-review

The New York Times a few days ago we talk opportunities that digital media offer academics to overcome the limitations of peer-reviewed. The discussion refers
humanistic scope but can be exported and comparable with what is happening in the social sciences and natural ones.

The central idea is the open-review. The article presents a series of efforts made by publishing a widening the pool of reviewers who comment publicly papers and chapters in books published.
The wikipedia reference model is applied to the academic literature. The variations are many, but these aspects are essential.

In the NYT argues that we are witnessing one of the most radical transformations in the way we read, write and do circulate knowledge since the invention of movable type.
It discusses the quality and marketability of the open-academic review. Matthew Nisbet points out that open-review must go hand in hand with the open-access.

points are important, but showing only the tip of the iceberg of problems to overcome the model of peer-reviewed. The deeper reasons related to my view at least two considerations:

first question: the peer-review is the practice of communication through which scientific knowledge in particular and the academic in general, have earned a strong consensus social

Second question (related to the first): increasing the number of people who value a work means to legitimize other experts (non-academic) to determine the quality of knowledge produced. It 's a process equivalent to include forms of knowledge is not currently considered "scientific." It 'a procedure which would help to move the dividing line between knowledge accredited academic and other knowledge, between science and non-science. This border has historically been determined by negotiation and communication processes.

For these reasons I do not have enough technical options available to change a system that has the function to select the class from which academic and social identity and recognition.

The point I wish to emphasize that the digital revolution is so disruptive shows the close relationship between knowledge production and communication, even in science.
E 'a discourse that helps us to understand better why it can be very useful, as suggested by the historian James Secord, read the scientific enterprise as a particular form of communicative action . On

JCOM, the magazine of which I am director, we have devoted a special issue science peer-to-peer last March. It 's a subject related to the debate triggered by the NYT and the procedures for inclusion, exclusion, defining the categories of expert linked to communication practices.

Friday, August 27, 2010

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Internet: narrative or dissolving? The future of digital publishing

There is a beautiful Pino Longo article in the June 2010 quarterly magazine of science and history Prometheus on how the human-Internet interaction is reflected on the activities of man narrative.

Pino Longo, writer, theorist and essayist scientific information, says that thanks digital technologies, the narrative regains what is preumibile was the many strands (or multimedia ) primitive, long embroiled in the narrow hole of the word. This is not to abandon the word, we can not rest, but to enlarge that hole , recovering, among other things, the many dimensions of the non-linear time. It 's like you go to a full form, is inconceivable and amazing theater. " This

possible recovery of a multimedia dimension of communication is not without its problems.

Longo above questions us about the stories, myths of origins, parables that the "digital natives" may be constructed to narrate, to justify their existence to themselves and to anticipate their future.
In other words, if the need for narrative and storytelling is being shared by every human being, with us from birth to death and this infinite narrative is designed to build the identity and the meaning we attach to the world, what are communication of the consequences of bulimia that affects the public technologized on these essential functions and tell the story?

Pino Longo's answer actually leaves open the question: "I blog, the chat , the forums, social networks and so on," says Longo, "are the seeds of an embryonic new type of foundational narrative on which we can only conjecture, or a rambling and random background noise that is dissolving any remaining narrative? "

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passes for magazines

I resume indicating a study of Oliver Wyman made to understand what opportunities does the digital publishers, advertisers and consumers.
A summary of results is available in an article Christian Rocca Il Sole 24 Ore.

The future envisaged by the research that refers to the U.S. market, is not negative. I Readers are willing to pay subscriptions to journals and magazines to read on ereader provided that the latter are truly interactive.
I readers surveyed would pay for the paper version for digital, as long as they complement each other.
Compared to the world of single card sales could increase by 2014, up to 50% for those who already have a subscription paper and up to 200% for those who have no subscription.
Publishers must be willing to experiment, however, to innovate and to form an alliance.