Sunday, May 18, 2008

Where To Buy Baby Desert Eagle

Run for the pine ... Two races in one!

unscheduled not prepared ... surprise!
For today, I had other plans! ... Go for a hike with your family and our friends. All week we have evaluated several destinations Vulci to do an archaeological tour, to visit a friend in Bolsena lake or some festival spread in Lazio. As we approached the weekend and the weather forecast we were always the worst trip was transformed, first, briefly walk until reduced to a courtesy call on their part. This morning it vanished even chance I found myself in bed with eyes wide open at 7:30, the time it confirmed the worst predictions of days ago, the guys who were busy in the morning to do their homework and taken by his wife "hobbies" (The housework).
Fast internet consultation between various races and I hit a cross at the Pineta Sacchetti: earth, grass, mud and puddles (What you want?!). Having said that I took the car and left!
The trouble began when I arrive in the vicinity of the park because I'm blessed, I could not find meeting. A some point I thought the race had been canceled for the time, so, enough, disgruntled for not wasting the morning I started racing on my own in the park. After a quarter of an hour, reached the opposite end of the pine forest I saw a banner start. The time that I was very little left to sign up for that with an interval of a couple of miles I reached my car, I took the necessary and returned to the race ... How warm it has been challenging!
The race is spread over a 3 km circuit to be repeated three times, the track was rough to say the least, in some places it was impossible to overcome because it was necessary to proceed in single file as the grass was tall the sides of a tight passage. The race I have conducted almost entirely in the company of a boy named Antonio who I could even exchange a few words and make some comment on the risk of leaving the ankles by the bottom, very rough (On the other hand was what I expected coming to a cross race in this weather!). The effort was huge! Decidedly different from the feelings in the half marathon in Trieste.
conclude with a time of 38'48 "at an average of 4'19" per km, placing seventeenth at sixty participants, can I still claim not to have wasted the morning.

Monday, May 5, 2008

How Long Does A Hair Relaxer

Trieste, that experience!

wonderful experience!
The race was the icing on the cake of a truly unique trip.
In recent days, several people took us for fools to make all those miles just to make a foot race and now I can say that it was worth, really worth it. The trip, in fact, long has flown since the company did not fail (in the 7 and 3 on a Volkswagen Multivan Passat), so between a joke and the other in the early afternoon we arrived in Trieste. The time to unload the bags and we were in Piazza Unità d'Italy to make us a beer under the sun, then bring us to the village Marathon where we posed for the usual photos with the commissioner, for the local newspaper "Il Piccolo" (It we were we, Kenyans!). Among a ride on rides and a couple of Prosecco as an aperitif (We never miss anything!) We came to dinner is not really of athletes, watered by a good local wine. After a couple of beers at the pub, a well-deserved rest.
The effects of preparation for the race we have heard in the morning, when they get out of bed, the last thing we wanted to do was just run. However, the brisk air has helped us and despite the hangover from the night before, the desire to race is back there immediately. The bus took us to the departure of Duino, where we waited for the passage of the head of the marathon and guess what 'by those who had formed the group of first ?!... Easy! ... From 5 Kenyans.
to the shot, before passing under the banner of departure will be gone for almost 2 minutes to know exactly where our time have to wait to publish the list with the real-time. Departure cautious to understand my level best that has come back after the first with whom I sweat all the toxins expelled the day before. The very festive atmosphere with orchestras that played along the way I ringalluzzito and after traveling on 1 km in 5'25 ", I have achieved, in progress, a fairly sustained pace that allowed me to gain several positions and enjoy the wonderful view of the coast of Trieste. The route, almost entirely, slightly downhill saves me a different energy, perhaps at the expense of the joints that have been greatly stressed, the fact is that the last few kilometers I allowed myself the luxury of driving on the side of the leader of the marathon women constantly framed by the camera mounted on the bike and followed by the helicopter Police on the bike path that made us. I just dumped the last 500 meters after crossing a couple of miles around 4'05 ". Under the banner of arrival, I blocked my stopwatch to 1h.35 '29 ", a couple of minutes later my friend Emi super triathlete who has run in preparation for 'Iron Man. My other fellow adventurers we have achieved about ten minutes Later closing all of them, however, under two hours (was on the pre-race the day before!).
Destroyed and happy after a well deserved shower, we prepared to return to Rome had the "pleasure" to experience the infamous barrier of Mestre (2 hours still!).
Chianina of obligation by the parties of Arezzo and around midnight, after having recovered Marco Salaria (I thank him publicly!) Took me home.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

How To Build A Soe Rack

13th Marathon of European Two Castles

Well done the Cat .... 01:35:40 ! 1:37:11, not, as stated above!

Real time: 01:35:40