Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Pokemon Orange Without Gameshark

0 KO's La Fossa dei Leoni

The team SAY NO TO DRUGS concluded by 3 goals to 0 against the lions' den, game that saw the boys from the start against drugs in superiority, then confirmed victory. With this victory so you earn 3 more points and keep the close SECOND PLACE in the overall standings of the championship organized by U.S. ACLI. The next match is Monday, Feb. 25 against STRIP THE NEWS , which is the FIRST just two points behind the team I say no to drugs, and will be held at the Municipal Field Cormano in Viale Europa, beginning at at 21.15, so we are waiting.
SAY NO TO DRUGS is a campaign sponsored by the Church of Scientology and formed by a group of boys with the sport decided to give a strong and important message that "drugs rob life of joys and sensations that are still the only reason for living! ", a quote of L. Ron Hubbard who adopted to better express their social commitment.


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