Friday, March 6, 2009

Federal United Crossword Puzzle

New Appointment in the name of prevention in Milan with the campaign Say No to Drugs

Saturday, March 7, 2009 in Piazza Oberdan from 11.00 to 16.30 the volunteers of the Church of Scientology, with the campaign "Say No to Drugs" will be engaged in prevention activities, organized in collaboration with the Foundation for a Free World of drugs ", deals with the distribution of free copies to citizens the information brochure" The truth about drugs. " This brochure was created as a preventive measure to counter the alarming increase in drug use among younger and younger. E 'give vital information to young people first deciding to start using drugs, some studies indicate that if a young person can get to 21 years without the use of drugs, is very likely that none will ever use. Based on extensive research, surveys and government reports, these brochures provide a basic understanding of what exactly are these drugs and what they do to the mind and body.
How do drugs destroy creativity? It 'possible that drugs continue to have long-term effects on a person, after you take them? ... These are just a few of the many questions that you will find answer in the literature distributed free of charge in Milan.

campaign volunteers are committed to a society free of drugs and share the thought expressed by the citation of the philosopher and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard which states: "Drugs take away the joy from life and feelings, which in fact the only reason to live."

Volunteers will also be on the morning of Sunday, March 8 near Carlo Farini, to continue to distribute copies of the "Truth about Drugs.

E 'can request free copies of the booklet "Truth Drug" by writing to: